Ctna. Why Not (Yellow Form)

Ctna. Why Not (Yellow Form)
Ctna. Why Not (4N) 'Makuna ke Akua'
(Guarianthe aurantiaca x Broughtonia sanguinea)
Yellow form of the hybrid. Compared with its popular red counterpart, the yellow Ctna. Why Not are somewhat slower growing and more rarely grown and cultivated.
Grown from seed.
Plants Available: Growing in 3” pots and 4” pots. The 3" Pot option is blooming-size. The 4" Pot option may be blooming-size or mature. The 4" Pot - Lg option is a mature plant with two or more directions of growth.
Orchid Care: As for Cattleya hybrids—bright and dry. Plants may be grown potted or mounted, with mounting/basket culture recommended as plants outgrow 4” pots. Provide very bright, indirect light. Allow potting media to dry between watering.
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