Den. bracteosum-tanii

Den. bracteosum-tanii
Blooms emerge near the tips of old canes like little pom-poms—pink tufts of flowers with a bright orange lip. Plants remain generally compact as they mature.
Can bloom in spring and summer months. Flowers last several weeks.
Grown from seed so flower characteristics may vary somewhat from plant to plant.
Plants Available: Growing in 4” pots. Examples of the 4” Pot option are pictured. Plants may be blooming-size or mature (previously bloomed). Orders will be filled with plants in bud/bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit.
Orchid Care: Provide very bright indirect light and strong air circulation. Avoid crowding plants or stagnant conditions in the growing environment, which can lead to leaf spotting. Plants may be grown hanging in baskets or potted with a well draining bark mix. Water generously for most of the year and fertilize weekly. During the cooler months, watering may be halved and fertilization should be reduced. But plants do not require a dry rest. Protect from temperatures below 60F.
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