Ons. Catatante 'Orange Kiss'

Ons. Catatante 'Orange Kiss'
(Onc. Sphacetante × Ons. Wildcat)
‘Orange Kiss’ mericlone.
Oncidium hybrid with branching bloom spikes of orange and yellow flowers. Each new growth produces an inflorescence of several flowers small flowers (roughly the size of a quarter) with rust colored petals and a golden orange and yellow lip.
Plants Available: Growing in 4” pots. The plant pictured in full represents the size you will receive when you order the 4” Pot option. The 4” Pot - Lg option is a plant with multiple spikes. Orders will be filled with plants in spike/bud/bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit; otherwise, mature plants that have bloomed previously.
Orchid Care: As for intergeneric Oncidiums. Grow in bright, diffused light, no direct sun. Plants may be grown mounted, established in baskets, or potted in a bark mix or sphagnum. Whichever is used, water just as the media are approaching dryness.
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