Bc. Richard Mueller x C. Triumphans
Bc. Richard Mueller x C. Triumphans
This hybrid does not have a registered name.
Grown from seed, so flower characteristics may vary somewhat from plant to plant. Compare the blooms pictured for an example of these variations in two plants.
This hybrid is 25% Brassavola nodosa. B. nodosa hybrids are great for beginners and those looking for frequent bloomers. Mature plants typically bloom twice a year or more.
Plants Available: Growing in 4” pots, mature. Orders will be filled with plants in bud or bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit; otherwise, mature plants that have bloomed previously.
Orchid Care: Grow in bright indirect light with good air circulation and high humidity. Allow plants to dry between watering. Plants may be grown potted or mounted. For potted plants, use an open, freely draining medium.
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