Phal. KS Passion Queen

Phal. KS Passion Queen

from $28.00

(Phal. KS Passion × Phal. Summer Dance Queen)


Plants Available: Growing in 4” pots. Plants are blooming-size or mature. An example of the 4” Pot - Blooming-size option is pictured. Orders for mature plants will be filled with those in spike/bud/bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit.

Orchid Care: Grow in bright shade and moderate humidity. Strong air circulation is key—plants may sulk or decline in stagnant conditions with poor air movement. Allow plants to dry out slightly between waterings. Water thoroughly (preferably in the morning) when the potting medium is nearly dry. May be grown potted or mounted. For potted plants we recommend sphagnum moss or tree fern fiber.



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13BB03E0-9D0B-435B-B771-E4AF88EABBED 6D526887-A5F1-4BC0-BE44-0C7B481C42A3
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Phal. Meidarland Tetra Blue

from $35.00
99D6BAC5-49C5-4B18-AF19-17D06D68B054 5DD71225-0B53-4AD9-8B43-4681BC77A8F8
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Phalaenopsis tetraspis

from $35.00
Phal. KS Happy Eagle Phal. KS Pasion Queen - Palmer Orchids 1.png
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Phal. KS Happy Eagle
