Rnps. Lion's Splendor

Rnps. Lion's Splendor
(Rnps. Lena Rowold × Ren. Kalsom)
Branching bloomspikes of brilliant red flowers that bloom several to a spike. This hybrid does not have a dedicated bloom period; plants can produce a spike and flower throughout the year.
Plants Available: Mature plants in two sizes. The Mature option is a plant blooming for the first or second time. An example is pictured. The Mature - Lg option is a plant from an older crop. Plants are larger, roughly two feet in height, with a longer bloom history. Orders will be filled with plants in spike/bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit; otherwise, mature plants, previously bloomed.
Orchid Care: Grow in high light to partial sun. Plants prefer a humid environment and frequent watering—80% humidity and daily watering (or rain) in the summer, with somewhat drier conditions in the cooler months. Can be grown mounted, in a basket, or potted. For the latter, we recommend substantive terra cotta orchid pots with lava rock as substrate.
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