Gptm. Starburst

Gptm. Starburst
(Galeottia fimbriata × Zygo. Jumpin Jack)
‘Parkside’ AM/AOS mericlone.
Beautiful Zygo. hybrid with lush gently pleated foliage and a spicy sweet fragrance.
Plants Available: Growing in 4” pots. An example of the size available is pictured. Plants available are mature—in spike/bud/bloom as blooming stock permits; otherwise, previously bloomed.
Orchid Care: Grow in bright, indirect light with strong air circulation and roughly 50% humidity. Plants should not dry out completely—water just as the potting media starts to dry. Plants potted in a porous, well-draining mix (e.g. our standard bark mix) will require more frequent applications of water than those potted in sphagnum. Water generously (according to moisture retention of your media) when plants are actively growing in spring and summer, and reduce water during the cooler months.
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