Laelia aurea

Laelia aurea
x sib
Once considered a color form of Laelia rubescens, L. aurea is now distinguished as an independent species (1990). Though generally rare in cultivation, Laelia aurea is easy to grow and bloom in warm to intermediate conditions with abundant light.
Grown from seed.
Plants Available: Mature plants in 3” net pots. Examples of the 3” Pot - Lg option are pictured. Orders will be filled with plants in spike/bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit.
Orchid Care: Grow in bright indirect light with moderate humidity and strong air circulation. Plants tolerate direct sun during the morning and late afternoon/early evening hours, but pay attention to seasonal variation in the sun’s intensity. During the hotter months 50% sun, with 75% recommended otherwise. Plants are best grown mounted where roots can dry easily, e.g. on cork driftwood slabs, or wooden baskets. Water generously while plants are actively growing, but ensure the roots dry throughly between waterings. Water sparingly during dormancy.
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