Den. Aussie's Chip-aberrans x rhodostictum
Den. Aussie's Chip-aberrans x rhodostictum
This hybrid does not have a registered name.
Latouria-type Dendrobium hybrid. Bloom spikes produce a handful of small white flowers whose lips have a purple margin. Plants become quite floriferous with age.
Blooms in the spring. Flowers last several weeks.
Grown from seed, so flower characteristics may vary somewhat from plant to plant.
Plants Available: Growing in 4” pots. The plant pictured represents the size of plant available for the 4” Pot - Lg option. Orders will be filled with plants in bud/bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit; otherwise, mature plants that have bloomed previously.
Orchid Care: As for Latouria-type Dendrobiums.
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