Den. Curtis' Twinkle
Den. Curtis' Twinkle
(Den. Blue Twinkle × Den. Minnie)
Cute and compact growing antelope-type Dendrobium. Blooms in an Inflorescence of several dark red-purple flowers.
Grown from seed.
Plants Available: Growing in 2” and 4” pots. The plant pictured represents the 4” Pot - Standard size offered. Plants in this size are mature—in spike/bud/bloom as blooming season and stock permit otherwise previously bloomed. The 4” Pot - Small plants are blooming-size, with some in spike as available.
Orchid Care: Grow in very bright indirect light, potted or mounted. Plants should be watered generously while actively growing (spring and summer), but their roots should be allowed to dry between watering. Reduce watering during cooler months.
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