Den. Kai Quintal
Den. Kai Quintal
(Den. Roy Tokunaga × Dendrobium polysema)
Latouria-type Dendrobium and hybrid of Den. species Dendrobium polysema and the classic Den. Roy Tokunaga.
Among members of the Latouria group, this variety is intermediate in stature.
Grown from seed so flower characteristics may vary somewhat from plant to plant.
Plants Available: Growing in 4” pots. Orders will be filled with plants in spike/bud/flower as blooming season and blooming stock permit; otherwise, mature plants that have bloomed previously.
Orchid Care: Hard-caned and evergreen Latouria Dens like this one grow best in warm conditions and medium-high light. Water generously and fertilize regularly while plants are actively growing in spring and summer. The potting media should be kept evenly moist with only slight drying allowed in between. When day length shortens and temperatures cool, reduce water and fertilizer somewhat to keep plants a little on the drier side throughout the cooler, drier months.
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