Dendrobium sanderae

Dendrobium sanderae

from $36.00

(var. luzonicum x sib)

Dendrobium species, native to the Philippines, where it can be found growing epiphytically in tropical pine forests.

Buds form near the tips of the canes between the leaves and bloom in clusters of white flowers.

Grown from seed, so flower characteristics vary somewhat from plant to plant.

Plants Available: Growing in 4” pots. Examples of the size available are pictured. Orders will be filled with plants in bud or bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit; otherwise, mature plants, previously bloomed.

Orchid Care: Grow in high light (bright, but indirect) and high humidity. Watering should be adjusted by season and temperature. Water generously in spring and summer while plants are actively growing. Do not allow plants to dry completely. Reduce water gradually after new growths mature in the fall, allowing for only slight drying between waterings.



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