Enc. Beatrice Orendorf

Enc. Beatrice Orendorf

from $15.00

(Enc. Borincana × Encyclia bractescens [4N])

This hybrid is one part Enc. alata and two parts Enc. bractescens. Plants owe much to the bractescens portion of their parentage, which lends this Encyclia hybrid its compact size in plant and flower.

Grown from seed so flower characteristics may vary from plant to plant. The blooms pictured are typical of the flowers so far seen in this crop.

Plants Available:
Growing in 3” pots. An example of the 3” Pot option is pictured.

Orchid Care: Grow bright and dry. Plants must dry out between waterings. Provide good air circulation to the roots. Plants can be grown variously in orchid pots, wooden baskets or mounted on driftwood.



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