Eny. Golden Sunburst

Eny. Golden Sunburst

from $35.00

(Encyclia rufa × Ctt. Gold Digger)

Very fragrant, bright, and bright-growing Epicatt. Great for landscaping. Blooms in spring, April/May.

Plants Available:
Mature plants in 6” pots. The plant pictured in 6” represents the size of plant you will receive when you order the 6” Pot.

Care: Grow bright and dry. Plants must dry out between waterings. Provide good air circulation to the roots. Plants can be grown variously in orchid pots, wooden baskets or mounted on driftwood. Also a great addition to the landscaping.

Note: Sun brings out the pigment in these plants. Those grown in high light develop darker flowers a purply-red tinge to the foliage and pseudobulbs. See the last two photos for an example of an Eny. Golden Sunburst growing at the base of a tree where it gets direct sun during the early morning and very bright diffused light throughout the day.


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