Oncidium Rosy Sunset

Oncidium Rosy Sunset
(Onc. Pupukea Sunset × Oncidium sotoanum)
Delicate orangey pink flowers that bloom in a profusion of several per spike. Fragrant, but not overwhelming. Recommended for fans of Oncidium Twinkle, with whom it shares a parent.
Blooms when each new growth matures—typically in spring and fall.
Plants Available: Mature, bushy plants, growing in 4” pots or net baskets.
Orchid Care: Generally easy to care for. Grow in bright indirect light, and water just as the medium starts to dry. Plants grown in a porous potting medium (e.g. a chunky bark mix) will require more frequent watering than those grown in sphagnum, which retains moisture for longer periods. Orchid pots (the holey kind) and baskets are recommended, as they allow air flow around the roots.
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