Mini Paphs
Mini Paphs
Little lady slippers.
Plants Available: Growing in 2” pots. Examples pictured.
Paph. QF Mini (Paph. thaianum x Paph. leucochilum)
Paph. QF Mini Bell (Paph. QF Mini x Paph. bellatulum)
Paph. QF Mini Me (Paph. QF Mini x Paph. wenshanense) - Double plant
Paph. Donvischilum (Paph. concolor x Paph. leucochilum)
Paph. Doctor Jack (Paph. concolor x Paph. niveum)
Paph. White Madonna (Paph. niveum x Paph. acmodontum)
Paph. Gisela Utz (Paph. wenshanense x Paph. thaianum)
Orders will be filled with plants in bud or bloom as blooming season and stock permit.
Orchid Care: Grow in bright shade/diffused light. Plants should be keep moist--but not soggy--for most of the year, though allow for slight drying in the cooler months.
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Please note: We do not ship plants internationally or to Arizona, California, or Hawaii.