Phrag. Don Wimber

Phrag. Don Wimber
(Phrag. Eric Young × Phrag. besseae)
Sequentially blooming Phrag. hybrid with salmon-colored flowers. This hybrid is 75% Phrag. besseae, which means flowers and plants will be relatively compact.
Grown from seed, so flower characteristics may vary somewhat from plant to plant.
Plants Available: The plant currently available is the 6” Pot option pictured. Orders will be filled with plants in spike/bud/bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit; otherwise, mature plants, previously bloomed.
Orchid Care: Grow potted. Provide bright, filtered light, strong air circulation* and keep moist. Plants should be watered regularly and generously; do not allow them to dry hard between waterings. Repot annually.
*Buoyant air movement is a must, particularly for those growing in warmer climates. Many Phrag. hybrids do not take kindly to hot weather with still conditions.
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